最近两个月花时间实现了一个小型的容器库(Github地址,以下简称Minimal Container),实现了C++中的dynamic array,list,queue,map,hashmap,set,hashset等基本的容器,它是一个非正式的、业余的作品,做这个小项目主要是想积累一下写库的经验。这篇文章记录一下我编程时遇到的问题、及每个容器的实现思路。
Quick sort is a common sort method for objects stored contiguously, such as arrays. Recently, while implement a list template, I trying to migrate quick sort method to doubly linked list. The basic ideas of implementing quicksort in arrays and in lists are same, also based on partition, but there’s one thing different: The list does not support random access based on index. This essay will discuss how to implement quicksort in the list.
French Linux enthusiasts Stéphane Chazelas in mid-September 2014, discovered the famous BASH SHELL implementation vulnerability (ShellShock, number CVE-2014-6271), it can execute script code by constructing environment variables. This vulnerability can affect a large number of linux application interact with bash, so that the America National Security Division score this vulnerability 10 points, this is the most devastating score. This essay mainly discusses about the condition of the loophole occurrence, principle analysis, and vulnerability remediation methods.
前几个月阅读了《从缺陷中学习C/C++》、《C++ primer 5th》,两本书都由潘爱民老师做序,在序中推荐结合《Google C++ Style Guide》一起阅读,所以最近花了点时间读完了这份文档。